Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Aquaman Movie Villain and Tone Opinions

Aquaman fans (as few of you out there as there may still be) rejoice! Black Manta has been announced as the official villain of the 2018 Aquaman movie. Honestly the only choice that makes sense, and I'm sure everyone saw this coming....but yay!!!!!!!!! I think this is an amazing choice and that he will fit in with the overall tone that James Wan wants to give this upcoming Aquaman movie.

So Black Manta, Aquaman's main villain, has been announced as the official villain and again I think this choice just makes sense. He's probably one of the more widely known Aquaman villains especially since he appeared in the DC animated series 'Young Justice'. He's also doing really well in the Rebirth: Aquaman comics, that are currently coming out. Him and Aquaman have like a blood feud so I think that really works for a darker/horror tone for an Aquaman movie. The main question and concern I have....Will he be black? He's been portryed as a black guy in all the comics, so I hope DC doesn't fuck this up. Get some more color on the big screen! *Side note* Why is Matt Damon the main character in a movie about the Great Wall of China? Like is he supposed to be chinese? I'm pretty upset about that whole thing, I don't know the story behind that movie but from the trailer I've seen...I'm pretty pissed. *End side note* I mean its not like Jason Mamoa isn't something other than white (I have no idea what that man is, maybe Hawaiian?) but you guys know how movies and people are, they switch up races that sometimes don't need to be changed up. If they announce a black actor or a Hawaiian (but no really is that what Jason Mamoa is?) then I'll be fine with that, but like maybe a darker Hawaiian. Either way I'm really excited about this movie, and this villain choice.

AdeTheScholar and I were talking about how this movie has the potential to be the best of the upcoming solo DCU movies. I think this is because of James Wan and the tone he brings with him. He already has said he wants this to be a darker tone movie and that will be an awesome way to portray Atlantis and Aquaman all together. Like imagine Atlantis with this evil castle type of look and feel too it...perfect, absolutely perfect. Zack Snyder set up a gritty DCU already, and I think some of the characters will benefit more from it than other, Aquaman being one of them. He kind of gave off that feel in the Justice League trailer too, another movie I'm excited for. James Wan has the directing background to pull this off, I just hope that the script makes sense. I think that the threat should only affect Atlantis, and not the whole world. World threats can get corny, so if you keep it focused on Atlantis and this entire new world you build for it the story could benefit from it. Batman cares more about Gotham than anything else, Aquaman is kind of the same way with Atlantis since it's his kingdom and that would make sense for this character. I'm putting my complete trust in DC, no matter how foolish that may seem, and I'm praying this movie comes out right.

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