Thursday, July 28, 2016

This is the New Superman????

What in the world am I looking at? How does this even remotely look like superman? I'm not crazy right? Like the CW has done pretty great on their casting decisions so far. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, Grant Gustin as the Flash, and Manu Bennett as Deathstroke...all amazing casting choices in  my opinion. But Tyler Hoechlin (Teen Wolf) as Superman? CW and DC could've done way better. His face is just crazy skinny and he doesn't really have muscles. Melissa Benoist looks just as buff as him. Like I keep looking at this picture and keep getting madder, hopefully he gets bigger or something before Season 2 starts filming. I actually really like the costume, its a lot more grounded and realistic without the red undies. I just hope they don't ruin him with their characterization of him on the show, if that happens I might have to protest somehow. Look maybe I'm just over reacting to one picture, but they've been hyping up Superman this whole time and this first look doesn't live up to the all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Reactions to Some of the Big Weekend Comic Con News

Most of the major news from Comic Con came out on Saturday and Sunday. Marvel and DC got to show off trailers and make huge announcements. There have been many of mouth watering, panty soaking, delicious trailers, announcements, and big news that has been released. So now it's time to talk about it, over react, and give some opinions on all this big news. I'll also add some link so you can check out the videos yourself. Make sure you let me know what you think below in the comment section.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Flash Announces Casting of Iris West, AND SHE BLACK!

It seems that The Flash movie set to be released in 2018 has found it's choice for Iris West. Kiersey Clemons, who made a name for herself with her brilliant performance in 2015 film DOPE(movie that I did not watch so don't take my word if her performance was brilliant or not). The news comes as no real surprise after Variety reported earlier this month that Clemons was the lead choice for the role. Iris West is known for being the girlfriend and later on wife of Barry Allen aka the only Flash I care about, and the aunt and grandmother of Wally West (Kid Flash/third Flash) and Bart Allen (Impulse/fourth Flash) respectively.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ghost Rider Convo Turns Into DC vs Marvel

AdeTheScholar's first post let's goooooooo. So me and my boy Kendall(Comic Book Nerd) were having our daily conversation about random comic news when he brought up that washed up skeleton on a bike Ghost Rider, who was played by other washed up actor Nicholas Cage in the 2007 and 2011 theatrical releases. However, this conversation quickly changed into a brief debate about my beloved DC and the idea of a few heroes going against some from Marvel. Read the whole convo below:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Aquaman to Be Featured in The Flash Season 3?


If this is true, it could be some of the biggest superhero television news of the year. There is a rumor going around right now that Aquaman could be joining season 3's rendition of 'Flashpoint.' The rumor was started when @AquamanShrine tweeted this on Thursday afternoon: AQUAMAN ON FLASH?!?!? Since he described it as only a glimpse no one is sure how much of the King of Atlantis we would see but it's still an intriguing prospect. Any members of the Justice League on The Flash would be lit so this is amazing news if it's true. Let me know what you think in the comments. Could we really be seeing Aquaman in The Flash Season 3?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Major Comic Book News from Comic Con on Thursday 7/21

Today Comic Con panels released a bunch of info, and it's hard to keep up. A lot of comic book news came out today so I'm going to do my best to give you a list of some of the major news and my opinions. I can't believe that there's three more days, I can't wait to find out more news.

Comic Reviews: Daredevil: The Man Without Fear

Frank Miller does it again! I can now see why he's held in such high regards, after reading a handful of his most famous work. I do have to admit my main motivation for reading this was the Daredevil tv show. It was well worth the read. The tv show definitely takes some notes from this. I really did enjoy it as its own thing though, and would recommend this to someone who wants a good story or to start reading Daredevil. It's an origin story, but the way it's told and the way Frank Miller gives life to these characters make it feel brand new. It's got a lot of Daredevil mythos in it, with Electra, Fisk, and of course Foggy Nelson his best friend and business partner. This story and Frank Miller live up to the hype and reputation this story have earned.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mad Hatter to Appear in Fox's 'Gotham' Season 3

The Fox tv series 'Gotham' has added another to the very long list of villains they already have on the show. Mad Hatter, who will be played by Benedict Samuel (The Walking Dead), is this latest addition. I really like that they are bringing out all the weird villains for this show. This is probably one of the reasons I still watch the show and support it, they bring out odd ball characters and still have major characters that help move the over arching story. Some of those major villains they have are Penguin, and Mr. Freeze, and some other big ones that I can't think of at the moment but still! They use a lot of villains that people might not know about and that works perfect for a Pre-Batman era Gotham. In my opinion Mad Hatter is a good choice to add to the show, because he's really weird and they could use him to put Jim in like a crazy trip or something. I hope they announce another villain, because the way they did season 2 with a couple of major villains for each half was perfect. I'd love them to do like a Killer Croc origin story, you could do a lot with a young man being made into a monster and having to find his way when everyone thinks he's a crazy monster. Just don't make it cliche Fox. Back to my main point, the weirder and creepier 'Gotham' makes its villains the better the show in my opinion. I like the tone they set with season 2, and I'd be very disappointed if they moved away from that. I'd also like to see Brice start doing some serious training or start doing some like junior detective work or something, just so we know he's not just being stupid and running around. I do like how last season they had him running around with Selina and some other potential villains so he could learn about the Gotham underground. With the Court of Owls becoming a more major part of 'Gotham' and all the freed people from Indian Hill running around I think season 3 will be a great season, and I can't wait. Let me know what you think in the comment section below or what villains you'd like to see in season 3.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rumors About Batfleck Being in Arkham and Involving Matt Damon

Me and adethescholar had a discussion about the rumors of Ben Affleck's 'Batfleck' being in Arkham Asylum and what that could mean for the cast and the type of things we might see in that movie. We also discuss the rumor going around that Matt Damon might finally get a superhero movie role in 'Batfleck'.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Comic Con Coming Up

So as many people know, the Holy Grail of nerdiness and news is upon us. Comic Con start Wednesday 7/20/2016 and goes until Sunday 7/24/2016. We will be looking at all the new news and rumors coming out and make post about things as quickly as well can. If anyone sees something that comes out that they would like our opinion on as it comes out let us know in the comment section below.
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Marvel NOW Upcoming Comics

Marvel NOW is the newest upcoming revamp of the Marvel comic books. This is going to take place directly after Civil War II ends and will become the new status quo for their comics. It will also give new readers a great jumping on point, because Marvel NOW will bring a bunch of new changes to the Marvel comic book world. The cast will include characters as you've never seen them before and a focus on the younger characters. I'm very excited, this new direction could bring a bunch of new fun stories and maybe connect more with the people who go to see the Marvel movies. Plus it's nice to see new faces get stories. After so many years some things just feel repetitive or just aren't interesting. For example, Marvel is getting a lot of backlash for their Captain America: Steve Rodgers books because of the newest twist of Steve being Hydra. I personally really like the story and think it'll be a fun one once they finish out the story arc. I also can see the frustration that some people have because here is one of the greatest heroes of all time becoming a bad guy. If you read the story it's actually really well thought out and presented in a way that makes sense. This latest twist, in my opinion, is the product of a character being around for such a long time it's hard to really come up with original stories. I mean how many times is Steve Rodgers gonna be young, and then old, and then young again? I mean he was a warewolf at some point....a warewolf. Just after a while you just need a reset button, and do some completely different things with new characters. That's one reason I'm really excited for Marvel NOW.