Thursday, July 21, 2016

Comic Reviews: Daredevil: The Man Without Fear

Frank Miller does it again! I can now see why he's held in such high regards, after reading a handful of his most famous work. I do have to admit my main motivation for reading this was the Daredevil tv show. It was well worth the read. The tv show definitely takes some notes from this. I really did enjoy it as its own thing though, and would recommend this to someone who wants a good story or to start reading Daredevil. It's an origin story, but the way it's told and the way Frank Miller gives life to these characters make it feel brand new. It's got a lot of Daredevil mythos in it, with Electra, Fisk, and of course Foggy Nelson his best friend and business partner. This story and Frank Miller live up to the hype and reputation this story have earned.

The Man without Fear (I need to look up how to shorten up this title) is Frank Miller's retelling of Daredevil's origin story. It starts with Matt Murdock not really understanding why his dad, an amazing fighter, wants him to not fight and follow in his footsteps. He comes home excited one day because he beat up a bully that was calling him names and picking on him. He tells his dad and he hits him, but he does so because he's angry that his son would do something bad like this. Jack doesn't want his son to be like him, a thug under someone else's control. Matt runs away after getting hit and realizes no one is perfect if his dad is able to do something so wrong. And right then and there Matt Murdock decides he should study law and stop people from bullying and abusing others. Matt then has his tragic accident and realizes right away that he can hear, feel, and smell things differently than before. Soon this old man named Stick finds him and begins training him. While this is happening his dad is winning fights, he then is told to throw his next fight or him and his son will be hurt. Of course he doesn't throw the fight in order to teach his son integrity, but that cost him his life. Matt then goes on a revenge spree killing everyone involved in his dad's death. This angers Stick who then leaves Matt to the world to find his own way. Matt gets into Harvard and meets Electra that thrill seeking love of his life, who then also leaves him but for Matt's own good because that woman is clearly crazy. I mean she hears voices in her head, that's grade A crazy right there. After a while Matt takes a corporate law job that he hates, but they have him go to New York for a case and he ends up remembering why he loves his city. He catches up with Froggy and meets a new friend named Mickey, a fourteen year old girl who he starts training with. She gets kidnapped and Matt realized he's the only one who can save her. He becomes DD and kicks some major ass to save her. All with Wilson Fisk in the background becoming a crime lord and making problems for a young Matt Murdock.

I think this was a great origin story for Daredevil. He is haunted by the one night he broke the law or the rules and killed all those men, and that kind of drives his actions throughout. Every time something bad happens he realizes it's because he broke the law or the rules Stick gave him that were to keep him safe. It was sad to see everyone he cared about and loved leave him though. Stick left him when he needed him most, Electra left him without really giving him a good reason, and his dad was taken from him. He's not really driven by the pain of his loses like Batman, he doesn't use them to make him stronger. Instead he is driven just by the fact that he wants to help people, he wants to help in any legal matter he can and he wants to help people as Daredevil and save lives. May I also add, how bad ass was the scene at the end where he kills the guy holding Mickey hostage? He keeps telling the man to let her go because he doesn't want to kill him, and he makes good on that promise. He was just so in the zone when he reflected the bullet into the guys brain. Great story telling.

This story really is giving me motivation to read more Daredevil and see him in action. I've always thought he was cool, but I'm more of a DC guy than Marvel so sometimes I don't read stories that come from Marvel even though I'm sure they are awesome. Art is one of the main things that drive me to read a story and The Man Without Fear has some really great art. I liked this story a lot and if you're thinking about reading it you should go through with it.

Verdict: Two Blind Thumbs Up

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