Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ghost Rider Convo Turns Into DC vs Marvel

AdeTheScholar's first post let's goooooooo. So me and my boy Kendall(Comic Book Nerd) were having our daily conversation about random comic news when he brought up that washed up skeleton on a bike Ghost Rider, who was played by other washed up actor Nicholas Cage in the 2007 and 2011 theatrical releases. However, this conversation quickly changed into a brief debate about my beloved DC and the idea of a few heroes going against some from Marvel. Read the whole convo below:

We had this conversation before the rumor about Ghost Rider was confirmed

Comic Book Nerd: Apparently Ghost Rider might be in 'Agents of Shield'.

AdeTeScholar: You mean Nicholas Cage?

Comic Book Nerd: Haha they better not use that man.

AdeTeScholar: He a true legend.

Comic Book Nerd: Shut up! But it's crazy that Marvel is deciding to use that character again.

AdeTeScholar: I forgot about that man...

Comic Book Nerd: That's probably for the best haha, Marvel really messed that character up with their movies. I'm just upset they dragged Idris Elba into that trash.

AdeTeScholar: Smh, they tryna ruin that legend.

Comic Book Nerd: Right? He never gets the cool role in superhero movies, like in the Thor movies he's just Thor's bitch. He'll never get to be anyone cooler in a comic book movie just because he's already set in that Marvel role.

AdeTeScholar: Marvel gotta stop with movies for about 5 years while DC movies shines.

Comic Book Nerd: Haha naw, Marvel is putting out good movies, I would love for DC to take that spotlight though. They just need Suicide Squad and Justice League to do well so they don't have as much pressure on them and can make good movies.

AdeTeScholar: I need that!!!!!!

Comic Book Nerd: I think everyone does! I need to see a confident DCU along side a strong MCU. There's also a comic book series called "DC vs Marvel", what if towards the end of the superhero movie bubble they just said fuck it and did that story?

AdeTeScholar: I don't see that, it's gonna piss me off because they're gonna have some weak ass Marvel character beating on DC character.

Comic Book Nerd: Hahahahaha, I feel you. If they did that story, it would just be for some small fan service. I just need to see DC step it up, they are on the verge of something special and I want to see them follow through with it and not change the path they are on.

AdeTeScholar: They would have Nightwing getting his ass beat by some Marvel scrub, I wouldn't be able to take that shit.

Comic Book Nerd: Hahaha, chill!!! He wouldn't get his ass beat, but I'm sure he'd be in some good fights that he's win. I cant think of any Marvel heroes on the same power level as him that could beat him. I'd love to see him fight Daredevil though.

AdeTeScholar: Naw, Nightwing would wash that man.

Comic Book Nerd: Haha but that'd be a good fight. I can't think of another Marvel hero that'd be a good match up.

AdeTeScholar: Same with my boy Red Hood.

Comic Book Nerd: Him and Deadpool would be crazy.

AdeTeScholar: I think Deadpool vs Deathstroke would be lit.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah, but that's such an easy match up I was trying to go a little outside the box. I like Red Hood vs Deadpool just because Red Hood could cut loose and use guns with bullets and not feel bad about it.

AdeTeScholar: Yeah Red Hood got that evil in him so he could be so many other people, but Batman whooped his ass so there's that.

Comic Book Nerd: Haha well Batman is literally unbeatable so that's not a fair fight.. And Batman has beat his ass a couple of times just to teach him a lesson.

AdeTeScholar: Batman also beat the shit out of Damian

Comic Book Nerd: Haha he's a pretty bad father to his sons.

AdeTeScholar: It's tough love

Comic Book Nerd: He might have learned his parenting skills from a black family.

AdeTeScholar: LMAO, for real though!

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