Monday, July 18, 2016

Marvel NOW Upcoming Comics

Marvel NOW is the newest upcoming revamp of the Marvel comic books. This is going to take place directly after Civil War II ends and will become the new status quo for their comics. It will also give new readers a great jumping on point, because Marvel NOW will bring a bunch of new changes to the Marvel comic book world. The cast will include characters as you've never seen them before and a focus on the younger characters. I'm very excited, this new direction could bring a bunch of new fun stories and maybe connect more with the people who go to see the Marvel movies. Plus it's nice to see new faces get stories. After so many years some things just feel repetitive or just aren't interesting. For example, Marvel is getting a lot of backlash for their Captain America: Steve Rodgers books because of the newest twist of Steve being Hydra. I personally really like the story and think it'll be a fun one once they finish out the story arc. I also can see the frustration that some people have because here is one of the greatest heroes of all time becoming a bad guy. If you read the story it's actually really well thought out and presented in a way that makes sense. This latest twist, in my opinion, is the product of a character being around for such a long time it's hard to really come up with original stories. I mean how many times is Steve Rodgers gonna be young, and then old, and then young again? I mean he was a warewolf at some point....a warewolf. Just after a while you just need a reset button, and do some completely different things with new characters. That's one reason I'm really excited for Marvel NOW.

I personally am really excited for these new characters and new takes on fan favorite characters. With Riri Williams, a black female MIT student, taking over as one of the new Iron Men some cool new stories and ideas could come out of this. She's not a rich person or someone who is full of themselves, she's just a young genius who wants to do the right thing. A new younger cast of Marvel heroes has the possibility of having a long lasting effect on the Marvel universe, allowing them to actually grow naturally with the new readers and creating a lasting bond. A lot of fans and long time readers think that Marvel is just gonna kill off or do away with the old beloved characters they grew up with. There's absolutely no evidence of any of that happening, I think there's a really cool opportunity for Marvel to use their older characters to help mentor these new ones and show them how to hero properly. This is something that's already happening with Bruce Banner and the new Hulk in the new Hulk Comic books. I'm just really excited about these new Marvel NOW comics and think there's an opportunity to do something really cool here, hopefully Marvel doesn't waste this golden opportunity.
From what I'm hearing and reading, a lot of people are excited about just a hand full of the new books. Those would be Champions, Great Lake Avengers, Invincible Iron Man, The Unworthy Thor, Slapstick, and Death of X. Below is the full list of Marvel NOW comics they plan on releasing in October.

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