Thursday, July 21, 2016

Major Comic Book News from Comic Con on Thursday 7/21

Today Comic Con panels released a bunch of info, and it's hard to keep up. A lot of comic book news came out today so I'm going to do my best to give you a list of some of the major news and my opinions. I can't believe that there's three more days, I can't wait to find out more news.

So there was a panel of people who contribute to the current X-Men comic books (editor-in-chief Axel Alonso, writers Cullen Bunn "Uncanny X-Men", Tom Taylor "All-New Wolverine", and artist Scott Koblish "X-Men '92"). The main topic they talked about was the upcoming Marvel NOW comic "Death of X". "Death of X" will deal a lot with the eight month gap in the comics and what happen between Cyclops and Emma Frost and the Inhummans. The Hellfire Club will have a big piece in the upcoming comics and will ave to work with the X-Men and Magneto at times (I have no idea who they are but they seem important...). Alex Summers (Havok) will finally pop back up and they finally said "Death of X" isn't just Marvel killing off the X-Men (So everyone stop bitching about that) but a really good story that fans are just going to have to wait and read. I think "Death of X" will at least be interesting, I don't really read X-Men comics but I've read some of their great stories and can see a lot of work is going into this so I think it'll definitely be worth a read. They also talked about the upcoming story "Enemy of the State II" which will have Laura kill a bunch of people. Exciting! I'm a huge fan of Laura being the new Wolverine, apparently a bunch of people aren't big fans of her but I find her interesting and her stories have all be fun so far. Seeing her go on a rampage is gonna be great. Especially if Old Man Logan gets involved...they just might kill to whole MCU, actually can I get that as a comic book series please? "X-23 and Old Man Logan Kills the MCU" I said it first, so if they make it Marvel owes me some money.

IDW is putting together a collection of Jack Kirby's first couple of Fantastic Four stories. This collection will include "Fantastic Four" #82-83 and the 48-page "Fantastic Four Annual" #6. IDW also listed some of the new on-going comics after their "Revolution" crossover event. The new titles will be "G.I. Joe", "M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand", "Transformers: Lost Light" and "Optimus Prime"

DC also did a panel about their young heroes. Mainly focusing on Batgirl and their new Teen Titans comic series. They talked a lot about Batgirl's new story which has started in her book and the "Birds of Prey" comic as well. From what I saw and read, what I'm mainly excited about is the Teen Titans book. I mean if you look at the art below it look amazing! Plus the team they are showing is amazing already. Damian, Raven, and black Wally West....a team I already can't wait to read about. This is one of the books I'm very much looking forward to in October.

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