Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mad Hatter to Appear in Fox's 'Gotham' Season 3

The Fox tv series 'Gotham' has added another to the very long list of villains they already have on the show. Mad Hatter, who will be played by Benedict Samuel (The Walking Dead), is this latest addition. I really like that they are bringing out all the weird villains for this show. This is probably one of the reasons I still watch the show and support it, they bring out odd ball characters and still have major characters that help move the over arching story. Some of those major villains they have are Penguin, and Mr. Freeze, and some other big ones that I can't think of at the moment but still! They use a lot of villains that people might not know about and that works perfect for a Pre-Batman era Gotham. In my opinion Mad Hatter is a good choice to add to the show, because he's really weird and they could use him to put Jim in like a crazy trip or something. I hope they announce another villain, because the way they did season 2 with a couple of major villains for each half was perfect. I'd love them to do like a Killer Croc origin story, you could do a lot with a young man being made into a monster and having to find his way when everyone thinks he's a crazy monster. Just don't make it cliche Fox. Back to my main point, the weirder and creepier 'Gotham' makes its villains the better the show in my opinion. I like the tone they set with season 2, and I'd be very disappointed if they moved away from that. I'd also like to see Brice start doing some serious training or start doing some like junior detective work or something, just so we know he's not just being stupid and running around. I do like how last season they had him running around with Selina and some other potential villains so he could learn about the Gotham underground. With the Court of Owls becoming a more major part of 'Gotham' and all the freed people from Indian Hill running around I think season 3 will be a great season, and I can't wait. Let me know what you think in the comment section below or what villains you'd like to see in season 3.

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