Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rumors About Batfleck Being in Arkham and Involving Matt Damon

Me and adethescholar had a discussion about the rumors of Ben Affleck's 'Batfleck' being in Arkham Asylum and what that could mean for the cast and the type of things we might see in that movie. We also discuss the rumor going around that Matt Damon might finally get a superhero movie role in 'Batfleck'.

Arkham Asylum Movie Rumors

adethescholar: I think the idea of Arkham being in Batfleck is good, it gives the opportunity to introduce characters that casual movie watchers aren't familar with. Doing something like what they did for Bane.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah which is a good idea, I don't know how interested I'd be in seeing the whole movie in Arkham, but if like half of the movie he's in Arkham fighting guys and going through sections like in the game that would be really cool.

adethescholar: Yeah I feel like it would be too dark if it was only in Arkham and they have to try to stay away from that because BVS was a little too dark for casual viewers. The possibilities of characters and villains is intriguing though, there's so many options of who they can put in this movie.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah, but I mean if it's in Arkham it'll be pretty dark. The Arkham games and there were some comics, Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Asylum, in between the games that were heavy on the psychological effect it has on Batman being in there. I mean all those crazies all in one place would be super dark and fuck with your head haha. But yeah I think the fact that there's rumors about there being a ridiculous amount of villains, add to this rumor of the movie being in Arkham. No better wat to have a bunch of villain cameos than going where they all are imprisoned.

adethescholar: Yeah that's what I'm saying about having an Arkham movie. I personally enjoy dark movies but I'm not sure who dark of a movie others would like. But yeah that would be sick, just mad cameos of imprisoned villains.

Comic Book Nerd: I agree, I love the idea of just an orgy of Batman villains hanging around. I think an Arkham centered movie would make a lot of sense down the line when DC can have more freedom and can do weird movies, but not so early when they need movies to do well and establish this cinematic universe.

adethescholar: Yeah they should wait to do this type of movie because I feel like they rushed into making BVS instead of waiting until the DCU was more established.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah, BVS feels more like a publicity thing than let's get a good movie out.

Matt Damon in Batfleck Rumor

adethescholar: For Matt Damon, Hush would be the perfect character for him. Plus introducing Hush as a character would be great because he's not really known to non-comic fans so they would enjoy that and so would us comic lovers.

Comic Book Nerd: I think he'd be really good as Hush I think he has the right build and I just want to see Matt Damon in a superhero movie. I'd also love to see him as Black Mask, me and you talked about that before and I think he'd be a great major villain in a movie. Let's say it's in Arkham. You could have Black Mask get face injuries from dealing with Batman, maybe in a flashback when Batman was a little more crazy and he's out for revenge convincing everyone in Arkham to get together and attack him.

adethescholar: I feel like if it's in Arkham I wouldn't wanna see Black Mask as a main villain. I'd rather see him in a Red Hood story line.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah that's fair, I just think Black Mask would be more mainstream and easier to do since probably more people know him than Hush. But end of the day if Matt Damon comes in he better be a bad ass, if he's the Riddler or something stupid I'm never watching another DC movie again.

adethescholar: That would be the worst hit ever, he's too savage to not play a savage villain role.

Comic Book Nerd: Right? But DC would be the people to fuck this all up.

adethescholar: They would ruin their cinematic universe if they fuck up the first solo Batman movie in the new DC cinematic universe.

Comic Book Nerd: Yeah that's really the only upcoming movie that matters in my opinion.

adethescholar: Wonder Woman bout to be lit if it's anywhere near as good as the animated film

Comic Book Nerd: I really hope so, first live action woman centered superhero movie...a lot of pressure to get it right and fun.

adethescholar: Yeah they better do well on it, Gal Gadot looks too good to be in a bad movie

Comic Book Nerd: My God you're so right.

adethescholar: Haha DC better not ruin this!

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